Let's talk sex and do it in style too

I do not know what you make out of this survey, but this comes as a real surprise to me. What does Durex mean when it says India? If the survey includes metros only, it’s ok. Even in metros I have serious doubt about contentment factor. Though I have not lived a long life, I have spoken to people from different strata of life and I can easily start a conversation on sex with anyone. Don’t worry; I’m not a sex maniac though often I’m misunderstood to be one. Very early in my life I realized that sex is nothing but a biological process like eating and sleeping and we attribute unnecessary importance to it. So, I’m always at ease with anything sexual.
In India, sex has always been regarded as a taboo and as a result we are deprived from healthy and actual sexual knowledge. Besides, due to the mystery surrounding sex, we have become a nation obsessed with sex. Or else, how do you explain the high birth rate of our great country? Non-availability of birth control measures cannot be an answer as you can restrain from sex if you are not interested in it. We are, in fact, very much interested, but just don’t want to talk about it. Forget birth rate, why are so many crimes related to sex? Excluding rape, which to me is the worst crime on earth, every day women are subjected to ‘minor’ sexual offences.
So, why do our happily married males ogle at his colleagues in office? And trust me I also look at cleavages, but I also tell the lady that I have done so. Ask my female friends if you need a proof. And if the lady is a stranger, don’t expect me to be honest and get slapped.
The fact is we are not at all happy with our sexual lives (exclude me please). And you know what the real problem is? Lack of proper sexual knowledge and most importantly, criminal absence of the desire to gain this knowledge. Most of my male friends can’t say for sure if their partners actually get orgasm and if yes, how do they get it. And when it comes to eves, many of them are not aware of the concept of orgasm. Believe me, they are all educated.
I do not know what you mean by sex, but to me it’s the highest achievable mental and physical bliss on earth. And it’s the best way you can express your love for someone. That’s why sex is not just intercourse, which is simply a biological act. It’s beyond physical understanding and exclusively humane. Ever thought why animals have fixed time for mating and human beings can do it round the year?
Durex must have carried out the survey in metros. What about rural India where sex at night is the only source of entertainment for many. Can you imagine a farmer in rural Bihar or say Assam going to a chemist’s shop and asking for dotted Durex condom?
the survey is crappy....anyone living in India will find it difficult to believe
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